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Shoulder Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic and surgical procedure performed for joint problems. Shoulder arthroscopy is performed using a pencil-sized instrument called an arthroscope.

Rotator Cuff Repair

The rotator cuff is a group of 4 muscles in the shoulder joint including the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis.

Shoulder Stabilization

When conservative treatment options such as medications, rest and ice application fail to relieve shoulder instability, your surgeon may recommend shoulder stabilization surgery.

Shoulder Reconstruction Surgery

Shoulder reconstruction surgery is an operative procedure in which stretched or torn soft-tissue structures that surround the shoulder joint such as the capsule, ligaments, and cartilage, are repaired to secure the shoulder joint in place.

Shoulder Joint Replacement

Total shoulder replacement surgery is performed to relieve symptoms of severe shoulder pain and disability due to arthritis.

Reverse Shoulder Replacement

Conventional surgical methods such as total shoulder joint replacement are not very effective in the treatment of rotator cuff arthropathy.

Shoulder Surgery

Shoulder surgery is a surgical procedure for the treatment of a shoulder injury or shoulder condition. The procedure involves repairing a diseased, damaged, or degenerated shoulder joint in order to eliminate pain and restore normal shoulder function.

Bicep’s Tendon Repair

Biceps tendon repair is a surgical procedure to restore a biceps tendon that has been torn or ruptured by severe trauma or injury.

Shoulder Labral Repair

Traumatic injury to the shoulder or overuse of the shoulder (throwing, weightlifting) may cause the labrum to tear. In addition, aging may weaken the labrum leading to injury.

Open Shoulder Stabilization

Open shoulder stabilization is a surgical procedure performed to treat a condition called shoulder instability.

Complex Shoulder Reconstruction

Shoulder reconstruction is a surgical procedure performed in patients to alleviate shoulder instability, restoring its function and serving to prevent recurrent shoulder dislocations.

SLAP Repair

A SLAP repair is an arthroscopic shoulder procedure to treat a specific type of injury to the labrum called a SLAP tear.

Shoulder Preservation Surgery

Shoulder preservation surgery is any surgical procedure that is aimed at preserving the structure and function of the shoulder.

Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Reconstruction

The acromioclavicular (AC) joint is one of the joints present within your shoulder. It is formed between a bony projection at the top of the shoulder blade (acromion) and the outer end of the clavicle (collarbone).

Non-surgical Shoulder Treatments

Rest plays an important role in restoring shoulder health and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Usually, a sling is worn to keep the arm immobile and stable.